Gto Poker Training Software

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Main License: $75 Second License: $40 Upgrade from CREV: $50

A license will entitle you to register the software on one computer. A second license can be bought at the discounted price of $40.

You must be the owner of both computers to buy a second license. It is not permitted to sell/share/gift/etc licenses to other people.

Click the button below to request your key.
It will be mailed to you within a few minutes.

  1. Simple GTO Trainer is built on the cutting edge SimplePostflop engine which is the fastest and most powerful GTO Solver in the world. You can import your own custom SPF solution files and, if you own SPF, use the SPF engine for real time turn and river solving to enhance your training.
  2. Play solved poker hands and get instant feedback on the precise EV (Expected Value) Loss of every action. The WPT GTO Trainer allows you to rapidly plug leaks and learn the Game Theory Optimal strategies that have dominated the highest stakes games in the world.

To enter the key in GTO+:
1) Start GTO+
2) Go to 'register' in its menu
3) Click on 'Enter key'

This poker software uses artificial intelligence (AI) based on GTO poker theory to make decisions and analyze your game. It can give you a perfect look at how optimal you are playing and what lines you should be taking in theory.

The registration fee is one-time. All future updates are included.
Taxes may still be added depending on your location.

When purchasing GTO+, a license for CREV (basically the previous version of this software) is included in the price. For more information on CREV, please go here.

People often ask me if they should use a poker AI program like PokerSnowie in order to improve their game.
Well, as a 10+ year poker pro I can tell you that I haven't bothered with many poker AI programs over the years. I tend to think they are not advanced enough and probably won't help me.
GtoHowever, I will say that after testing out PokerSnowie my opinion has changed a little bit about poker AI programs.
After playing around with PokerSnowie a lot in the past couple weeks I do actually believe now that this poker tool may be helpful if you are struggling at low or mid stakes player in particular.
Here is my complete PokerSnowie review.

PokerSnowie Review - What is PokerSnowie?

Before I get into if PokerSnowie may help you or not, what games it is best suited for and so on, I need to answer an important question first.
What the heck is PokerSnowie?
If you haven't heard of this poker AI program before then you may have been living in a cave or at least not keeping up with the latest poker software and tools that pros are using these days.
Quite simply PokerSnowie is a powerful piece of poker training software with the goal of showing you how to play un-exploitable poker in every situation.
Some people also refer to this as GTO or game theory optimal poker.
So PokerSnowie relies on mathematical formulas to provide you with the most +EV (positive expected value) outcome in nearly any situation possible at the poker table.
This reliance on mathematical models of 'solving' the game of No Limit Hold'em has changed the way that mid and high stakes games online in particular are played in recent years.
Instead of relying on exploitative HUD based approaches, more players are using a program like PokerSnowie to create strategies that are mathematically balanced and un-exploitable.

PokerSnowie Review - Who is PokerSnowie For?

So who is PokerSnowie for then? Is it right for you?
Well, in most cases I don't think you need to worry about using poker AI software like this especially if you are brand new to the game of poker.Gto Poker Training Software
You should just focus on learning the fundamentals of a TAG (tight and aggressive) strategy instead.
However, I think that once you have played for poker for awhile, if you want to start taking your game to the next level, and really learn how to beat the good players, then you may want to have a look at a poker AI program like PokerSnowie.
One of the best parts about PokerSnowie is that you can actually just download it right to your smart phone or desktop (Android or iOS) and challenge it for yourself!
I would recommend that you simply start with the free trial version of PokerSnowie first, get a feel for the software, and see for yourself if it will help your poker game.
For me personally, after playing around with PokerSnowie for awhile now, it has definitely helped me re-think some key situations against good poker players.

Final Thoughts

So should you use a poker AI software program like PokerSnowie to improve your poker game? Is it really going to help you?
Well, if you are literally brand new to the game of poker, then I would say no. You should simply be focused on learning the fundamentals and don't worry about any advanced poker theory for now.
However, for those of you who have been around the poker tables for awhile and perhaps had some success, I think PokerSnowie could help you make better mathematically sound decisions versus good poker players.
And that really is the key. PokerSnowie is all about using complex mathematical formulas in order to get an edge over other competent thinking opponents.
It is about learning how to play un-exploitable GTO correct poker in every situation so that no matter what decision they make, they cannot win against you.
If you are a struggling low or mid stakes poker player trying to move up and take your game to the next level, then I would recommend checking out PokerSnowie.
To download the free trial of PokerSnowie today, click here.

By the way, I should mention that as an online poker pro PokerSnowie is just one of the poker software tools that I use to study my opponents and improve my game.
For the complete list of all the poker software tools I use, click here.
Let me know in the comments below what you think of PokerSnowie. Did it help improve your poker game?
Please note that the links above are affiliate links. This means that at no cost to you, if you choose to purchase the full version of PokerSnowie, I may earn a small commission.

Gto Poker Training Software Free

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