Apache Mod_fcgid Can't Apply Process Slot For

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I write because my websites that have a smartjobboard worked fine in plesk 11 but now with plesk 12 I have many problems not showing up and a 503 error comes out,
checking the log of one of the web.
This is what it shows:
[Mon Jan 20 15:17:58 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:ff:19::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:17:58 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:ff:1e::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:17:59 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:ff:1e::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:e::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:2d::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:3::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:11::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:3::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:30::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:11::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:02 2020] [warn] [client 2a03:2880:11ff:3::face:b00c] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
[Mon Jan 20 15:18:11 2020] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper
Search the plesk knowledge base and found that the values of
And so I did it but I still can't see my web
Any suggestions?
  1. Also I noted that each 'httpd apache' process has 9 MB swap. Although process runs for only 1 second or 2-3 seconds it swaps 9 mb. 4254 apache 20 0 335m 4000 1892 S 0.0 0.4 0:00.01 9m httpd.
  2. Modfcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgiwrapper/cgiwrapper As soon as this warning appears server CPU raises to 97% - 101% The server gets around 140K pageviews daily.
  3. Tue Feb 26 16: warn modfcgid: can't apply process slot for /usr/bin/perl I the configuration is working for none perl fastcgi executables Here is the configuration.
Hi there,

Apache Modfcgid Can't Apply Process Slot For, casino stock outlook, hollywood casino amphitheatre rules, food blackjack. The games do not offer 'real money gambling' or an opportunity to win real money or prizes. The games are intended for an adult audience. Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply future. Modfcgid: can't apply process slot after software upgrade 0 Increasing FcgidMaxProcesses does not help to solve “modfcgid: can't apply process slot” error.

I have the following:
*Server specs:*
Memory = 7G
CPU = 2
$ grep -v '#' /etc/httpd/conf.d/fcgid.conf
.............................................. Apache Mod_fcgid Can
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/mod_fcgid.so
AddHandler fcgid-script fcg fcgi fpl
FcgidIPCDir /var/run/mod_fcgid
FcgidProcessTableFile /var/run/mod_fcgid/fcgid_shm
FcgidFixPathinfo 1
FcgidMaxRequestLen 1073741824
FcgidIOTimeout 7200
FcgidConnectTimeout 30
FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 10000
FcgidMinProcessesPerClass 0
FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 16
FcgidMaxProcesses 150
FcgidIdleTimeout 240
FcgidProcessLifeTime 7200
FcgidIdleScanInterval 120
$ cat /var/www/vhosts/apps/domain.com/php-fcgi-scripts/php-fcgi-starter
export PHPRC
exec /usr/bin/php-cgi
[warn] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for
It is always giving me this kind of error even though I increase the value
of *FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass* into *20* for domain.com apache config file
$ less /etc/httpd/vhosts/domain.com.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName domain.com
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.com
DocumentRoot ' /var/www/vhosts/apps/domain.com/httpdocs'
AccessFileName .htaccess
<Directory ' /var/www/vhosts/apps/domain.com/httpdocs'>
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
SuexecUserGroup username username
*FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 20*
<Directory ' /var/www/vhosts/apps/domain.com/httpdocs'>
Options +ExecCGI
Can AllowOverride All
AddHandler fcgid-script .php

Apache Mod_fcgid Can't Apply Process Slot For Cash

FCGIWrapper /var/www/vhosts/apps/
domain.com/php-fcgi-scripts/php-fcgi-starter .php
Order allow,deny
Allow from all Apache Mod_fcgid Can
Include conf.d/apps.cfg
ErrorLog logs/domain.com/error.log
CustomLog logs/domain.com/access.log combined
I would appreciate if anyone could shed me some lights to rectify this

Apache Mod_fcgid Can't Apply Process Slot Form


Apache Mod_fcgid Can't Apply Process Slot For Real

Thank you.
Kind regards,

Apache Mod_fcgid Can't Apply Process Slot For Pc
